Easter isn't sexy

There is nothing sexy about Easter.
And I am glad this one is over.
I mean… lamb, and prayers and crosses and eggs? Sounds like a script for a horror movie or a cookery documentary to me, rather than a religious or spiritual celebration. Now bunnies are just corny.
I hate Easter. And everything it represents and comes with it. And not only I dislike it in a conceptual way, the fact is that every year my life gets a bit pear shaped around this time.
This year was no exception. Gladly I managed to season the lamb ok.
I am glad the whole thing is over. I made sure I asked the girl in Waitrose if they still had any Easter eggs. What a joy when she said they were sold out. Don't think I could manage three weeks of half priced Easter eggs all over the place.
I am glad I have buried Easter yet another year. And no, it won’t resuscitate.

Thankfully I was on vodka for the whole 5 days, the perfect anaesthetic for such an event.
Now hand me the ibuprofen. My head hurts.

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